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The Pure Romance Rose Bouquet

  • Please note that for the card message with this gift, only English can currently be entered. Languages other than English cannot be printed, so please keep this in mind when ordering. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
  • Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, the number of flowers and varieties may vary due to local availability.
  • Due to regional limitations, we are not able to deliver to certain remote areas. In this case we will notify you via email.
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Utterly romantic and blossoming with your love through every blushing bloom, this gorgeous rose bouquet is out to convey your heart's every wish. Hot pink, red, and lavender roses mingle with fragrant fuchsia gilly flowers, beautifully accented with lush greens while seated in a vibrant pink glass vase. The perfect anniversary, I love you, or Valentine's Day gift!