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Blockbuster 4 Original (L) + Coke 1.25L

Blockbuster 4 Original (L) + Coke 1.25L
  • Expires in 366 days of purchase
  • Send via Link share / Text message
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Order before 1pm December 1st, 2022 (KST): Expires in 93 days of purchase
Order after 1pm December 1st, 2022 (KST): Expires in 366 days of purchase

- Must be used before the expiration and will not be valid for use once expired.
- Images are for illustration purposes only and actual product may vary.
- Gift can only be redeemed online (web/app).
- Another menu of equal or higher value may be ordered.
- Additional delivery fees will apply depending on the payment amount when using this coupon, and the delivery fee is not included in the coupon amount. (Payment amount of KRW 49,000 or more after discount → delivery fee of KRW 0 / Payment amount of less than KRW 49,000 after discount → delivery fee of KRW 2,000)
- Other discounts and overlapping discounts are subject to brand policies.
- Depending on store circumstances, delivery may not be available in some areas.

- With this coupon, up to 4 coupons can be used per order when ordering the same menu. (Product addition not available)
- With this coupon, up to 1 coupon can be used per order when changing the menu. (Separate order required for product addition)
- With this coupon, when changing the menu, at least 1 pizza must be selected to place an order. (A order with side dishes only cannot be ordered)
- In the event that a product is discontinued, it can be either 100% refunded or exchanged for another pizza of equal value.

[How to order online]
→ E-coupon & vouchers → Enter gift card number & search → Add to cart → Add delivery address → Complete

*How to order with changing menu*
Login → Select menu (At least a pizza selection is required) → Enter delivery information and select store → Payment - Applying discount - Enter gift certificate and shopping mall coupon number → Select E-coupon → Enter coupon number → Confirm product information and payment information → Complete

[Expiration Date Policy]

1. You can only extend the expiration date of valid gift cards up to the day before expiration.

2. Expiration date can be extended on a 93 days basis, and can be redeemed more than once.

3. To extend expiration date of a valid gift card, contact inumber customer support at (1644-5093). Customer service hours are from Monday through Friday (9 AM to 6 PM KST).

[Cancel and Refund Policy]

1.Before initial expiration: Redeemed gift cards cannot be cancelled or refunded. Unused valid gift cards can be cancelled and refunded to purchasers by contacting SodaGift customer support at (

2.Expired gift cards: Unused expired gift cards can be refunded for 90% of the gift card amount. Contact inumber customer support at (1644-5093). Customer service hours are from Monday through Friday (9 AM to 6 PM KST).

3.Maximum amount of Refunds for expired gift cards is 90%