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Burning Hot Gold Wings + Good Potato + 500ml Cola

  • Expires in 366 days of purchase
  • Send via Link share / Text message
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- Order can be cancelled due to store availability or other store limitations

- You cannot cancel the order once you use this gift card

- Product availability may differ by locations and in the case the exact menu is unavailable, another menu of equal or higher value may be ordered. (Price difference must be paid on site and is not the responsibility of SodaGift.)

- Affiliate card discounts are subject to differ by participating locations.

- Delivery fee may apply and is not included in the value of the gift card.

Gifts can be redeemed when delivery/dine-in and Kakaotalk orders.

For offline orders, please show the coupon number and for online orders, please read the coupon number over the phone.

※ Not redeemable at:

- 부산 : 재송점, 좌2호점, 다대2호점, 동삼국제마마점
- 경남 : 서창점, 고성1호점, 신포점
- 경기 : 양평옥천점
- 충남 : 당진점

[Expiration Date Policy]

1. You can only extend the expiration date of valid gift cards up to the day before expiration.

2. Expiration date can be extended on a 93 days basis, but it cannot exceed 5 years from the date of initial issuance.

3. To extend expiration date of a valid gift card, contact inumber customer support at (1644-5093). Customer service hours are from Monday through Friday (9 AM to 6 PM KST).

[Cancel and Refund Policy]

1.Before initial expiration: Redeemed gift cards cannot be cancelled or refunded. Unused valid gift cards can be cancelled and refunded to purchasers by contacting SodaGift customer support at (

2.Expired gift cards: Unused expired gift cards can be refunded for 90% of the gift card amount. Contact inumber customer support at (1644-5093). Customer service hours are from Monday through Friday (9 AM to 6 PM KST).

3.Refunds for expired gift cards cannot exceed 5 years from the date of initial issuance.