mobile gifteGift

₩30,000 Gift Card

  • Expires in 366 days of purchase
  • Send via Link share / Text message
Visit the brand store

- Must be presented at checkout.

- The mobile gift certificate cannot be exchanged for cash.

- If the purchase exceeds the amount, you can purchase additional items by paying the difference.

- The balance is automatically saved and can be used within the validity period.

- For balance check and balance refund, please contact Kakao Plus Friend 'Smart Cone Customer Center'.

- Not eligible for points accumulation.

- Gift cards cannot be exchanged for cash.

[Cannot be used in stores]

[Expiration Date Policy]

1. You can only extend the expiration date of valid gift cards up to the day before expiration.

2. Expiration date can be extended on a 93 days basis, but it cannot exceed 5 years from the date of initial issuance.

3. To extend expiration date of a valid gift card, contact WincubeMarketing customer support at (1666-5046). Customer service hours are from Monday through Friday (9 AM to 6 PM KST).

[Cancel and Refund Policy]

1.Before initial expiration: Redeemed gift cards cannot be cancelled or refunded. Unused valid gift cards can be cancelled and refunded to purchasers by contacting SodaGift customer support at (

2.Expired gift cards: Unused expired gift cards can be refunded for 90% of the gift card amount. Contact WincubeMarketing customer support at (1666-5046). Customer service hours are from Monday through Friday (9 AM to 6 PM KST).

3.Refunds for expired gift cards cannot exceed 5 years from the date of initial issuance.

You can gift up to 5.