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U-NEXT 3,000 Points

No returns and no refunds on gift cards.

  • Send via Link share / EMAIL
  • Expires in 1 months of purchase
Visit the brand store

By entering the gift code printed on the ticket into the registration page below, you can enjoy U-NEXT with "3,000 yen worth" of points. Points can be used for renting the latest movies, purchasing manga, or getting discounts on movie tickets.

【How to Use】
1.Access the gift code registration page (

2.If you are not a member, select "First time user" and register (free). If you already have an account, select "Have a U-NEXT account" (login required).

3.Enter the U-NEXT gift code and select "Next".

4.Confirm the entered information and select "Apply".

5.Registration complete! Enjoy U-NEXT.

No returns and no refunds on gift cards.

This product is available for use only within Japan

● When using U-NEXT, please agree to the terms of use established by U-NEXT Inc. and register as a member (free).
● The personal information you enter when registering as a member (free) will be used to provide the service.
● After registering as a member (free), you will not be automatically transitioned to a monthly plan member (paid). If you are already a monthly plan member (paid) of U-NEXT, please note that the services will overlap.
● Gift codes have an expiration date.
● U-NEXT points can be used at a rate of 1 point = 1 yen.
● U-NEXT points have an expiration date (90 days from entering the gift code). Please check within [Account] on the TV or browser menu.
● Gift codes cannot be exchanged for cash, reissued, refunded, or compensated.
● If the rental price of the latest movies or the purchase price of manga exceeds the points you have, you will need to pay the difference.
● Some content cannot be viewed by customers under 18.
● Service content and prices are subject to change without notice.
● Due to system maintenance, the service may be temporarily unavailable without notice.
● U-NEXT is a service provided by U-NEXT Inc.

【U-NEXT Recommended Environment】
● Please check the U-NEXT compatible devices here (
● Even if you meet the recommended environment, you may not be able to view it normally due to insufficient actual line speed, congestion on the communication route, communication restrictions by security software, etc.
● The recommended environment is subject to change without notice.

【Inquiries about the Gift Code】
For inquiries, please visit here (
0120-131-990 (11:00-19:00)

Frequently Asked Questions are here (

【Operating Conditions】
※ It can be used on devices that meet the following conditions connected to the Internet.
(However, it may not work properly depending on the model, browser, or their version or combination.)
 OS Version: iOS 10 or later
 Recommended Browser: Safari
【Android Smartphone】
 OS Version: Android 7 or later
 Recommended Browser: Chrome
※ This electronic ticket is for smartphones only. Also, it does not guarantee display on all smartphones.
※ It may not function properly if using private browsing or if cookies and JavaScript are not enabled.
※ It cannot be used on devices other than smartphones such as "tablet devices" or "music players capable of browsing websites."
※ Some applications (mailers, etc.) and browsers may not be supported.
※ It may not function properly in a low-speed Wi-Fi communication environment.
※ The operating environment is subject to change. Thank you for your understanding.