Indigo Canada CA$25 Gift Card
No returns and no refunds on gift cards.
Click 'Get your gift card' to access your gift card number and PIN. This giftcard is redeemable for merchandise at Chapters, Indigo, Indigospirit, Coles, and Smithbooks and online at Indigo.ca.
No returns and no refunds on gift cards.
Present this gift card as payment towards your purchases. Purchases will be deducted from the card amount until the value reaches zero. Refunds on items purchased with this card will be re-applied to the gift card. This card is reloadable. This card has no value until purchased and activated. Visit indigo.ca or refer to your last Store receipt to check your remaining balance. Your use of this card constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. This gift card is redeemable for merchandise at Chapters, Indigo, Indigospirit, Coles, and Smithbooks (each a Store) and online at Indigo.ca. It cannot be refunded, is not redeemable for cash except as required by law, is not for re-sale, is not a negotiable instrument and cannot be replaced if lost or stolen. Indigo reserves the right to cancel this card at any time if obtained illegally including through fraud. Protect this gift card like cash.